Blog Post

How you learn is the key! JLPFI chooses to see YOU!

John Lewis • December 4, 2022

Keep it REAL with your learning experience!

JLPFI welcomes each of you to the joyous holiday season and all it has to offer! There is an excitement in the air as we move into the sights and sounds of Christmas with good thoughts of planning those family events that will produce everlasting memories. Let's not let our guard down as we proceed with our busy shopping schedules and remember that the best of plans can be immediately changed in a fraction of a moment. The past few months have been an exciting time of meeting many new clients that completed the mission of becoming licensed to conceal carry. JLPFI applauds each and every one of our clients that has accepted all of the responsibilities of safe and discreet carry of their firearm. Some of our new applicants reflect on a prior violent incident that motivated them to move forward with applying for a CCW. Those clients are now in a safer position in life by completing their personal training experience from JLPFI and understanding the lawful use of deadly force if they ever are forced to use it. Each day forward will produce a possible challenge of provocation from an unknown contact and those who remain faithful to their training and awareness will conquer those challenges!

The local news recently reported the opportunity to renew or even apply for your CCW by means of completing an "online" computer course. JLPFI researched offering this convenient way for you to sit back and relax in your home and look and listen to someone on a computer screen inform you of all the laws, conditions, restrictions and subject matter related to the use of deadly force. As other trainers moved forward in this offering, JLPFI made a decision to keep our program personable for your entire class so that you can ask all those important questions that the computer screen will not be able to answer! Your time is important and JLPFI wants to make the most of it by asking you a series of questions and keeping you informed regarding local crime data, legislative updates and the latest trends in concealed carry equipment. Online convenience or access to a live professional instructor....the right choice is obvious! Our CCW renewal clients know that our classes are always evolving with new material and look forward to spending 4 hours with JLPFI. That personable meeting every 2 years is not an inconvenience but an opportunity to learn more then they did before! Inform your family and friends that our 8 hour initial CCW course is full of useful information and each person taking our course will have every opportunity to ask questions and learn much more than they ever would from an online course.

The California Department of Justice is now required to inform all law enforcement agencies to accept CCW applications statewide without a specific requirement of a "good cause" statement related to the reason each individual wants to carry a concealed weapon. This change in policy was a result of the United States Supreme Court ruling in the Bruen case that struck down the requirement for "proper cause." The California Rifle and Pistol Association has been very pro active in making sure all cities and counties in California adopt this new policy and efficiently process CCW applications in a timely manner! Senate Bill 918 was introduced and narrowly defeated in the California legislature on September 1st. This bill would have effectively banned concealed carry in many places and would have made it much more expensive and time consuming for individuals to apply or even maintain a concealed weapons permit. There are concerns that this bill will be re-introduced in January of 2023 with a few modifications.

JLPFI reminds all of you that if you were notified by California Department of Justice that your personal information might have been compromised in a data breach on June 28th of this year, you are encouraged to contact the CRPA or Gun Owners of California to join a lawsuit moving forward against the California Department of Justice by filling out an administrative claim form. You can find this information at  or

Most California law enforcement jurisdictions are all seeing an increase in applications for CCW's due to the Supreme Court decision as well as the severe uptick in violent crime across the State. JLPFI welcomes applicants from all central California cities and counties and will continue to inform all of our clients of any changes that are communicated from the issuing agencies!

JLPFI wishes to acknowledge the hard work of our beloved Fresno Sheriff, Margaret Mims and how she will be greatly missed as she retires the end of this month! We wish the very best for her and thank her for always supporting the armed citizen. We look forward to our new Sheriff, John Zanoni to uphold the same CCW program that Sheriff Mims produced.

"Optic Ready" or comes Christmas!

JLPFI has a Christmas wish list for all of our clients to enjoy! Whether it is a gift certificate for training from JLPFI, a gift certificate of membership to our home range, Sun Mountain Gun Club, or a gift certificate from our affiliate FFL dealers including Halfcocked Gunsmithing and Turners Outdoorsman will make someone smile with these gifts! Our "every day carry" gift guide includes the brand new offering from Smith and Wesson for all you Shield owners - The M&P Shield Optic Ready replacement slide (SKU# 3015613) that converts your personally owned Shield into a slide capable of mounting a red dot optic! JLPFI has this system with a Crimson Trace 1550 red dot and our clients are loving the test drive! Quick target acquisition with both eyes open. Many manufacturers will be producing these optic ready slides for Californians that cannot buy the weapon model already equipped with the optic due to the micro-stamping law still in place. Other items in our everyday carry gift guide picture collection below include: Custom fitted Kydex outside the waistband holster locally made by IGY6, an extra magazine for your weapon, Sabre pepper gel and stun gun, Liberty and Fort Scott self-defense ammunition, the Benchmade Mini-Griptilian clip knife and a reminder for the best cleaning product in the firearms industry - Slip 2000! Never forget your car keys too!

JLPFI would like to take the opportunity to THANK each and every person involved in our program for your continued support this year. Our client base has grown substantially from client referrals and we are very grateful for each of you spreading the word about JLPFI. We look forward to the new year and seeing you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from JLPFI!

This Blog is dedicated to the memory of 3 clients of JLPFI that passed away in October of this year. Rest in peace warriors.

All rights reserved.

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