Blog Post


John Lewis • July 2, 2024

The ability to make good decisions and to act quickly and calmly in a difficult situation or an emergency!

What is your current presence of mind? Do you include your daily assessment of your immediate environment and stay on top of the personal responsibility to remain in a protective mode for yourself and your loved ones? As this picture depicts a family relying on our government to keep watch over us, we must remain self-sufficient in understanding and practicing our own plan of safety and never rely on the external authority to provide a false sense of security.

God bless our law enforcement and troops across this nation and abroad as they continue to serve and protect our communities and nations assets.

Yet each of us are the ones to fortify our castles (homes) and engage in 24/7 public self-awareness without bias or prejudice as we navigate our journey through life. It's our choice to arm ourselves as we head out that door, yet we hesitate because we know it's just a short trip to the store, or we are fearful of what will happen if we are forced to defend ourselves, yet the first commandment of concealed carry is to ALWAYS CARRY and the day you don't have it is going to possibly be the day you needed it the most! Continued training will re-inforce your confidence and create opportunities to decide under instructor stressors to run, hide or fight! No matter the situation, you will be trained to remain calm during the chaos and remain a hard target for any predator lurking in the shadows.

JLPFI welcomes all of our readers to this months blog full of training insights, jurisdictional updates and changes to the laws we must be aware of.

JLPFI Range Insights

JLPFI has been flooded with many new clients applying for their CCW's along with many long-time CCW holders completing the 8 hour mission to renew their CCW. Our goals on the range are always safety focussed and all of you that have attended our classes know you will always be progressively trained with a review of safety rules, your specific weapons operation, overview of fundamentals and ultimately dry fire rehearsal before we begin your live fire drills!

Our courses incorporate important levels of muscle memory that include multiple target engagement, use of cover, safe holster presentation, mag drills and our specialty is malfunction drills! Yes, JLPFI is proud to say our clients all know the red flags of ammunition malfunctions as well as weapons malfunctions as it is an absolute MUST to have these life saving drills in your sympathetic nervous system to immediately deal with whatever a chaotic gunfight will throw at you and maintain CALM in the chaos! JLPFI is always challenged to apply our training from your minds unconscious level to the subconscious rhythm of confident defensive mindset and weapons operation.

Notable mentions of our recent range experiences has included a serious warning to NOT react to flying hot brass when on the line with other shooters. JLPFI had 3 experiences within 1 month that involved hot brass entering the front of clients shirts and one incident of brass down a boot! We remind all our clients of this range hazard and always recommend hats, high neck shirts and closed leg boots to avoid being a hot brass victim or worse, redirecting the muzzle of your firearm in the wrong direction with your finger attached to the trigger.

Our focus on malfunctions of weapons and the endless happenings of ammunition malfunctions is always a reality on our ranges. JLPFI creates the safest range environment by mentioning all the "what if" scenarios before they happen on the range, and we do appreciate all of our clients utmost attention to these details for everyone to remain safe through their training experience!

All CCW applicants and renewal applicants are now required to take a 30 question course summary exam. Questions on the exam include weapons and ammunition malfunctions. Know your weapon, know the red flags of what can happen in operation of your weapon and the possibility of the ammunition you trusted as your self defense ammunition turns into a very wrong decision after what might happen on the range when testing the function of that ammo!

Here is a quick review of ammunition and weapons malfunctions for our readers:

Ammunition malfunctions:

Misfire- the cartridge fails to detonate.

Hangfire- the delay of the primer to detonate.

Squib load- (no powder in the cartridge) The primer detonates sending the bullet into the breech of your barrel. This creates a barrel obstruction. Always pay attention to how your weapon sounds and recoils to avoid this catastrophic failure!

Semi-auto weapon malfunctions:

Failure to feed- When loading the firearm, the operate failed to ensure the magazine seated. After racking the slide, the operator failed to complete a press check to determine the chamber status.

Stovepipe- When a spent casing is stuck in the ejection port- AKA a jam!

What causes a stovepipe? Lack of weapons lubrication or limp wristing your weapon when attempting to fire it!

Double Feed malfunction:  Spent casing stuck in the chamber with a live round in the magazine up against the spent round in the chamber.

Attend JLPFI's classes and you will always know how to manage each and every malfunction. If you do not have malfunctions, JLPFI will be pleased to cause one or many for you to learn the life saving skill of clearing the malfunction!

CCW Jurisdictional Updates!

Fresno county CCW has a whole new look. JLPFI is excited to announce that Fresno county is now issuing a single hard card CCW that includes your thumbprint of the back so you no longer will have a paper copy issued when you renew your CCW!

This newly formatted CCW will allow you to list up to 6 weapons on your CCW.

The State of California will only allow you to carry 2 loaded weapons at one time that are listed on your CCW.

SB2 regulations also removed the spousal sharing rule for spouses to share guns on their CCW's. All weapons listed on the CCW must registered to the sole owner.

New applicants for Fresno county who complete a 16 hour initial course and submit their online application will be interviewed in the first months of 2025!

The Fresno county CCW unit is adding staff and increasing appointment availability to conduct more interviews per day to decrease the wait time for an initial interview.

Processing time on renewal applications that have completed the newly required  8 hour course, are taking around 3 weeks.

Renewal applicants are allowed to take their 8 hour course up to 6 months prior to their expiration date, but can only submit their online renewal application within 30 days of their current CCW expiration date.

Fresno County CCW unit contact #: (559) 600-8515

Madera County now requires online initial and renewal applications to be processed!

All Madera CCW holders must now submit their applications through the Madera County Permitium System in order to receive the new credit card style CCW which eliminates the paper copy of the CCW. Madera county allows renewal applicants to renew their CCW up to 90 days before their expiration date.

Madera Sheriff CCW Contact: Tanya Riviere- (559) 664-4917

All other contracted Law enforcement issuing agencies with JLPFI include:

Fresno PD - Contact: Officer Jason Musser (559) 621-6562

Madera PD - Contact: Karyn Burns (559) 675-4261

Mariposa County Sheriff - Contact: Patty Bryson (209) 966-3615

Merced County Sheriff - Contact: Cesaria Pruneda (209) 385-7559

Tulare County Sheriff - Contact: Forrest McClean (559) 802-9471

Kings County Sheriff - Contact: Jeanette (559) 852-2790

For anyone with a California CCW interested in applying for a Arizona non-resident CCW: Arizona Department of Public Safety now has the Permitium online application system! If you possess a Arizona CCW, you have reciprocity in Nevada!

The Arizona CCW is a 5 year permit and only costs $63.00 plus fingerprinting fees.

Here is the link to Arizona DPS for more information:

Here we go again!

Breaking News: California AB28 is now in force which mandates an 11% excise tax on all firearms, pre-cursor parts and ammunition starting July 1, 2024!

This new tax supposedly funds education programs regarding gun violence while creating a whole new assault on potential new gun owners and current gun owners in California!

Californication: Golden State Continues to Screw Gun Owners with New Tax | The Truth About Guns

JLPFI recommends dry fire systems from either Mantix X:

Or Strikeman:

Either dry fire system will allow you to practice in the comfort of your own home without having to spend that extra money on ammo! JLPFI reminds you to save up some ammo and sign up for a valuable training session with us!

Another proposed law to watch out for:

Senator Portantino’s SB 53 takes the issue of mandatory storage of firearms to a new level: it prohibits anyone from keeping a firearm in their home unless it is stored in a Department of Justice approved firearm safety device.

JLPFI received information regarding a recent manufacturer recall on specific DOJ approved firearm safety devices that do not function correctly yet those consumers that purchased these products will most likely never know the safe storage units they assumed would open, will FAIL!

We are all facing the same threat of liabilities as law abiding gun owners. We must never waiver from our responsible storage protocols, yet we must also remember to keep our weapons on us daily. Be ready and Train Hard!

JLPFI wishes all of our clients a safe and sane 4th of July. Enjoy and celebrate your freedom while it lasts!

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

JLPFI- All rights reserved.

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