Blog Post


John Lewis • November 3, 2023

There has never been a better time to conceal carry more often!

JLPFI welcomes you to our fall blog and the content has never been more important for each of you to discover! This year has evolved into a variety of local, state, federal and world events that affect each and every one of us! We are all very busy managing our own lives and yet the environment around us is becoming a alarm beacon of escalation of violence, economic uncertainty and the erasure of our constitutional rights.

Never before has our nation been at such risk with the open border of unknown infiltration of terrorism lurking all over our country. Our everyday journeys to work, social events, church, bowling alleys and many other places we take for granted are safe, are no longer deemed safe areas regardless of business security measures. We here in California are subject to recent laws signed by Governor Newsom that further restrict our constitutional rights to protect ourselves. September 26th was a dark day in California as over 26 anti-gun laws were signed into law and will go into effect on January 1, 2024. Please do NOT be deceived by the notice of "gun safety laws" as none of the laws signed benefit you, the law abiding citizen.

JLPFI challenges each of our clients to conceal carry as often as possible. Your weapons handling confidence is always available through our continued offers of training opportunities, so there are no excuses when you leave your home, unarmed. California has enacted SB2 to begin on 1/1/24 that severely limits legal concealed carry in a host of newly listed "sensitive" or gun free zones. In addition, this law will require additional training hours for both an initial applicant (16 hours) and a renewal applicant (8 hours). This law is being challenged with a lawsuit from the CRPA and an initial court date of 12/4/23 will hopefully stall the rules of this law! Maine's recent mass shooting tragedy was a stark reminder that if only the bowling alley participants or bar owner would have been armed, there could have been a significant reduction of casualties.

None of us are immune to random acts of violence and we must remain vigilant in our daily duties to protect ourselves because law enforcement cannot save our lives.

JLPFI incorporates head on a swivel, tactical movement, weapons failures training and much more to keep you in READY mode at all times! Concealment is so much easier in the cooler weather months, just make sure your holster system is the right fit for your weapon and dry fire train from your concealed holster as much as possible if you cannot make it to the range!

JLPFI earnestly strives to provide accurate and detailed information regarding our services of professional firearms training, updated firearms legislation and firearms industry news. We are excited to announce a new venue of courses for small companies that seek integrated team building activities for their dedicated employees. JLPFI will be inviting a host of small businesses to take advantage of our new programs in 2024! Our individual memberships are growing and all of our offerings are listed on our website under our memberships section. We offer tailored course sessions within our memberships to satisfy the specific training requests of our clients!

JLPFI also will be providing phone or Zoom chat consultation for our clients to access our knowledge base for firearm shopping, legal matters pertaining to concealed carry and training tips that can be added to your range regimen!

California is leading the way on making it much more difficult to navigate the legal means of firearms ownership and legal concealed carry. JLPFI encourages each of our clients to stay in the know with a membership to the California Rifle and Pistol Association.   Your membership connects you to the continuous legal battles that are taking place to preserve our 2nd amendment rights. Another great resource is Gun Owners of California which has teamed up with CRPA.   

Ammunition costs are just one example of what will change in 2024! AB28 was signed into law that creates a 11% excise tax on your firearms, parts and ammunition purchases.

Commencing July 1, 2024, an excise tax is hereby imposed upon licensed firearms dealers, firearms manufacturers, and ammunition vendors, at the rate of 11 percent of the gross receipts from the retail sale in this state of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition.

The buying rush has begun for the next 8 months to avoid the additional excise tax on top of our local tax which adds up to 20% for your purchases after July 1, 2024.

In other news regarding ammunition:, Vista outdoors which produces (Federal, Remington, Speer, CCI and Hevi-Shot) ammunition, has just announced it has sold this division to Czechoslovak Group-CSG. This is a huge concern that domestic manufacturing of ammunition will now become a global priority to engage business with whatever country is seeking to stockpile their reserves! This could mean that our domestic inventories could easily be depleted nationwide.,definitive%20agreement%20to%20sell%20its

The hustle and bustle of the holidays are upon us and let's all make it a great season to enjoy and be thankful for our family and friends. JLPFI offers training gift certificates for you to bless a family member, co-worker or friend with a "gift of training"! Our gift certificates are customized just like our training for as many hours or money denomination you would like to gift to someone. Please contact us for this unique gift idea and we will look forward to training whoever you choose to provide this gift of training! (559) 349-3833

Make sure and stop by one of our affiliate firearms dealers to check out their holiday inventories:

Halfcocked Gunsmithing-

Turners Outdoorsman-

559 Armory-

Contente Firearms-

There is a new firearm on the CA DOJ roster perfect for CCW.

The new Sig P365 was just approved for sale in California. Click on the link to read more about it:

Don't forget our custom kydex holster maker: IGY6 Holsters made by Mr. Ben Barcus. His shop is located in Madera. Please contact Ben at (559) 232-7087 for more information.

And last but not least, our home range: Sun Mountain Gun Club-

Sun Mountain maintains a spectacular shooting facility for all shooting sports and does require membership.

Please contact Shelly or Kim for more information at (559) 683-3669.

As always, JLPFI wishes all of our clients a safe, joyous holiday season ahead. We look forward to hearing from you and make sure to keep in touch with us!

JLPFI - All Rights Reserved

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