Our surroundings have changed over the years. One of the greatest advancements in technology is the cell phone that keeps evolving into the biggest distraction in human life. Smart phones are very expensive, yet everyone can seem to afford them. Human beings are not charged to simply take time to keep their eyes up and pay attention, yet we have succumbed to a screen that will inevitably cost us something. Maybe your life, maybe an opportunity to move away from the dangers right in front of you, maybe to help others in immediate need. Find your way back to peripheral awareness and create your 360 degrees everyday plan that never waivers into distraction.
JLPFI's campaign is to adopt an eyes forward approach to your situational awareness every time you step out into the public. There is a time and place for cell phone usage, where your attentive eyes can lock onto that screen, but in public, you are sitting duck for the predator to attack!
So what is Condition White? Colonel Jeff Cooper designed the Color Code of Awareness to help us avoid ever being in this place of distraction- Unaware and unprepared. If attacked in Condition White, the only thing that may save you is the inadequacy or ineptitude of your attacker. When confronted by something nasty, your reaction will probably be "Oh my God! This can't be happening to me."
JLPFI has always referred to Condition White as someone living in a bubble, a dreamworld that is immune to random acts of violence. There have been numerous cases of distracted driving fatalities, personal assaults and distraction related deaths caused by that square object that seems glued to our hands. The technology is there for us to access it when needed in an emergency situation, yet that should be the only reason you access it in a public location.
JLPFI would love for each of you that read this and contribute your thoughts to this subject below under comments- Let's get the discussion going how to overcome distraction, and get back to using those incredible set of eyes God blessed us with- to pay attention to our surroundings.