Blog Post

JUNE BOOM! Do you hear JLPFI now?

John Lewis • June 8, 2020

Are you ready to defend when the police won't be there?

Times are rapidly changing all around us. A tragic wrongful death sparked the next wave of uncertainty for the entire nation. As if the Covid 19 virus just faded away from the media focus and now an unprecedented level of violence has streamed across our country. JLPFI has communicated our concerns to all of our clients that the loss of respect of peace officers due to a handful of those in a position of law enforcement....crossed the line and painted a broad stroke picture that all cops are abusive and insensitive to our rights. JLPFI believes quite the contrary and with our nations peace in the balance, we need to back the blue and support them anyway we can. Our local community is blessed with the professional officers of Fresno PD and the Fresno Sheriffs department, yet they are overwhelmed by the daily risk levels they encounter in our city and county.
It is simply amazing the difference 30 days can make between these newsletters. Over the past month, JLPFI has experienced contact with many individuals that have never owned a weapon, yet the news of violence has motivated a level of fear among those that would never before consider owning a firearm. This "wake up" call to those who depend on 911 has changed the perception to once was "the cops will come" to "we are now on our own". Another interesting report from clients with CCW's is that they are carrying more often than ever before! We are in for an interesting future of daily random acts of violence and human turmoil generated from peaceful to violent protests. We hope it's just a nightmare, when we hear of our jails releasing high risk felons under the zero bond bail plan California recently enacted. The reality is that each of you can negate your risk and keep that firearm within arms reach! JLPFI is not fear-mongering, yet reminding each of you that your safety depends on you and your family unit to remain 100% aware of your daily surroundings and prepare your defense plan before it is too late. 
Please be mindful of your ability to use force for your own lawful self-defense.  The California Rifle and Pistol Association recently published an information bulletin that clearly defines our use of deadly force. All JLPFI clients will be receiving a copy of this bulletin for both an initial CCW or renewal course.
Turners Outdoorsman-Fresno continues to report record sales of firearms and ammunition along with Halfcocked Gunsmithing in Clovis! The manufacturers are generating product as quickly as possible to fill the demand. Sun Mountain Gun Club has seen a dramatic increase of the use of their pistol bays and JLPFI is thankful to have all 3 businesses on our team of professionals to serve you with the best of care and respect.
Jurisdictional Updates:
Madera Sheriff, Jay Varney has announced stepping down from his position as sheriff to pursue an administrative position with Madera county. Varney’s pick as his successor, Undersheriff Tyson Pogue, is expected to become Madera County’s new sheriff after getting the thumbs up from supervisors at their June 2 meeting. Madera will continue to accept new CCW applications and CCW renewal certificates as always.
Madera Sheriffs office location:  2725 Falcon Dr, Madera, CA 93637
Contact #: (559) 675-7770
Officer Roland Diaz became the City of Fresno CCW coordinator at the beginning of this year and is accepting applications from anyone residing within the city limits of Fresno.
Officer Diaz can be contacted at (559) 621-6562. The new City of Fresno CCW office is located at the Fresno Police Annex in downtown Fresno.

Bob Moore is the CCW coordinator for Fresno County Sheriffs CCW unit and continues to oversee the new CCW Civil unit newly located at 770 E. Shaw Ave. Suite #300.
Contact # for Fresno County CCW unit: (559) 600-8515. 
JLPFI has an ever-evolving training program that will challenge each individual to know all the conditions of their weapon. Our popular table drills test each individual to become familiarized with all the possibilities of how the weapon might be stored. Without fail, our goal is to ALWAYS treat it as if it is LOADED! 
These conditions exist as options for all gun owners to decide their mode of operation.
JLPFI suggests to never waiver from your primary weapon condition. Know it, practice it and live by it! Our courses involve mag tugs and press checks to insure that we have a loaded status. The day you bypass these protocols might be your last day on earth.
Is the chamber loaded? Is the safety on? Is the magazine seated properly? Is the slide locked into battery? How is your trigger configured? Do you trust that chamber indicator? (Don't!)
The answers to all these questions are completely dependent on you, the owner and operator of the weapon to verify what condition your firearm is in.
The following conditions are applicable with all semi-auto platforms, keeping in mind if you own a striker fired weapon such as a Glock, Smith & Wesson Shield or Springfield XD, there is obviously no hammer.
Condition 4: Chamber empty, empty magazine, hammer down.
Condition 3: Chamber empty, full magazine in place, hammer down.
Condition 2: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer down.
Condition 1: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer cocked, safety on.

After reviewing these conditions, keeping safe storage in mind if children are present:
Condition 4 is worthless for your defense.
Condition 3 aka "Israeli Carry" is only as good as you are racking the slide in your presentation to the threat.
Condition 2 and 1 abide by the #1 rule of firearm safety - Treat it as if it's ALWAYS LOADED.
Condition 2 and 1 are recommended for your safe, confident status with the appropriate holster in place!
The bottom line here is your weapon condition is your lifeline. Define it and live by it!

Reflections of the trainer......
JLPFI would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person that has shared the range with us in a training event! This is our 3rd year of business and we encountered a record number of clients in May! Our courses have challenged beginners, those who possess a basic skill level and those who have excelled to a level of confidence that leaves no room for error. We seek to define accountability with safe operation, swift and accurate delivery to the target that may someday be a potential threat. The above picture speaks volumes at the end of the trainers day. A time to reflect on each and every discovery from each one on the firing line that has completed their mission. Whether the experience included overwhelming anxiety, an abundance of over-thinking, a variety of operator or weapons malfunctions, at the end of the day we can be both confident and humbled to realize that training must continue. 
When all have left the range, and the brass clean up begins, it's our time to smile and know that we are creating effective combat mindsets and muscle memory acuity for each and every client. Thank you all for making our courses the best with your positive attitudes and eagerness to learn more each time you attend. All we ask is that you tell a friend of your JLPFI training experience and pass on the opportunity to others. We look forward to a busy month of June! 
Stay aware, carry daily and let us hear from you!
JLPFI All rights reserved.
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