Blog Post


John Lewis • December 6, 2020


 JLPFI is observing and admiring the numbers. The numbers of people buying weapons. The numbers of rounds flying at the range. The number of votes casted in the presidential election! It is all adding up to the good, the bad and the flat ugly!

 So let's focus on the good regarding gun sales. Overall, the 4-Day total of adjusted NICS numbers is up 4.2 percent over 2019, with a total of 417,465 checks this year versus 400,681 in 2019. Cyber Monday produced some eye-popping numbers, with totals up 65.2% over 2019. That’s 123,797 checks versus 74,926 in 2019. Big numbers. Overall, November 2020’s numbers were another record. The November 2020 NSSF-adjusted NICS figures: 1,949,141- an increase of 45.2 percent over 2019-the previous record year.

 Year-to-Date, we’ve seen 19.1 million adjusted NICS checks, a record setting year for firearms sales. According to the NSSF’s Retailer Surveys, nearly 7.7 million people were first-time firearms buyers in 2020. America remains to be the most armed country of all time and that is a good thing as long as those 7.7 million first time gun owners take it upon themselves to seek professional firearms training to learn it right the first time!

 JLPFI has been truly blessed the past few months experiencing many first time weapon owners that were fortunate enough to source some target ammunition and complete a new owner firearms orientation course. Ammunition sales continue to soar and there remains a serious challenge for our clients to source enough ammo to enroll in the courses they are wanting to complete. Most retailers are cleaned out of all popular calibers of ammo and when it does come in decent quantities, there is a limit for purchasing. Personal defense ammunition has all but disappeared and JLPFI has made remarks more than once that if there was ever a civil unrest incident, DUCK would be the operative word because all citizens would be forced to use whatever ammo they had- also known as full metal jacket ammunition that will penetrate walls and a multitude of hard surfaces. Our hope is that we never will have to stoop to that level of environment, yet there is a growing consensus that the days ahead of us will include a increase in public violence occurrence's. JLPFI reminds each client to KNOW YOUR ROUND COUNT! Make every round count too!

 Now the harsh reality- the votes are still being counted. The clock is ticking and the new year is quickly approaching. It is anyone's guess as to what comes next. The supposed new administration has a harsh plan for all of us gun owners. Here is a window into what the future may hold from a recent contribution by Mike Sampson to Tom Gresham's Gun Talk: Is Firearms Confiscation In Our Future?

 December 3, 2020 - Mike Sampson
President-elect Joe Biden’s gun-control have begun to take firmer shape with his announcement of appointing his deputy chief of staff, Jen O’Malley Dillon. She worked on former Congressman Beto O'Rourke's (D) failed presidential campaign and went into further detail about his AR-15 confiscation plan.

"We are actually the only campaign with a plan...but a plan that supports mandatory buybacks of weapons of war. The assault weapon ban is very, very important and we need to have it, but that only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future, it does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there," Dillon said.

 News reports show that Dillon has expressed her full support for not only banning commonly-owned firearms, but confiscating them from legal gun owners as well. This definitely is in line with the Harris-Biden campaign platform that contains a long list of possible anti-Second Amendment restrictions and new firearms mandates either by Congressional action or executive orders.

 Breitbart News reported that Biden’s proposals not only contain a ban on the future manufacture of AR-15s and other firearms the Democrats label “assault weapons,” but also a provision that could require every AR-15 rifle to be registered under the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA).

 As I have written in previous Gun Talk articles, the Biden plan fails to define how all this would work, what an “assault weapon” or “weapon of war” is, and how the plan would be enforced. O’Rourke, during his short presidential campaign said if someone refuses to turn in their AR-15s then “in that case I think there would be a visit by law enforcement to recover that firearm…”   Article HERE    /    Video HERE

 As part of the Democratic firearms platform, we need to consider that the “plan” also includes a tax or license fee of $200 on many semiautomatic weapons and magazines of more than 10 rounds. I’ve seen estimates that show there are at least 18 million AR-15s in the US (a conservative guess), and with a $200 tax for each one, that totals $3.6 billion dollars in revenue for the federal government. What a wonderful source of funds, and that does not include magazines that have no serial numbers. 

 One estimate I saw indicated Americans own 393 million firearms, and “about 40% of Americans say they or someone in their household owns a gun, and 22% of individuals (about 72 million people) report owning a gun, according to surveys from Pew and Harvard and Northeastern. A Nov. 17 article on noted the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) increased the total firearms owned to 434 million and reported:

 “The Modern Sporting Rifle continues to be the most popular rifle sold in America today, and with near 20 million in circulation, is clearly a commonly-owned firearm that is being used for lawful purposes every day in America,” said Joe Bartozzi, NSSF’s President and CEO in an email to

 The article also added that NSSF estimates “there are approximately 71.2 million pistol magazines capable of holding more than 10 cartridges and another 79.2 million rifle magazines capable of holding 30 or more rounds in circulation.” Figure Biden’s $200 tax on each.

 Enforcement of the Biden plan certainly offers questions and concerns. Would local law enforcement go door to door with search warrants to confiscate “weapons of war” or issue citations to violators? I doubt too many cops would want to confront an armed homeowner with firearms confiscation in mind, warrant or not, based in part on the fact “domestic” calls often turn violent for officers. Therefore, if law enforcement chooses not to play that confiscation game, what next? Perhaps then the military or National Guard will get the task of disarming civilian firearms owners. How would that scenario play out in America?

 As a Gun Talk reader and firearms owner, you need to become familiar with the Posse Comitatus Act that describes how the military and National Guard could be enforcement tools. The Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act of 1807 define and limit the power of the federal government to use U.S. military troops to enforce the law or federal domestic policy within the borders of the United States.

 An article notes key takeaways from the Acts that include:

• The Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act work in tandem to define and limit circumstances under which U.S. military forces can be deployed on American soil.
• The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the armed forces from being used to enforce laws within the United States, unless authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress.
• The Insurrection Act provides an exception to the Posse Comitatus Act, authorizing the president to deploy both the regular U.S. military and the active-duty National Guard in cases of insurrection and rebellion (my emphasis). 
• The Insurrection Act can empower the president to bypass Congress in deploying the regular military on American soil.
• While the rights to assemble and protest are granted by the First Amendment, they can be limited or suspended when such protests endanger property or human life and safety. 

 The article reports, “Many legal experts have agreed that the Insurrection Act does empower U.S. presidents to bypass Congress in deploying the regular military on American soil to intervene in cases of civil disobedience.”

 Have presidents used the Insurrection Act of 1807 to control domestic incidents? Yes. From 1808 through 1992, presidents have used the act 22 times, including five times by Pres. Lyndon Johnson. If history is any indicator, we again could see this method of dealing with “insurrection” or civil disobedience. 

 As Joe Biden has promised, “Nothing is off the table.” In cases of insurrection, rebellion or civil disobedience (refusal to comply with firearms confiscation for example), could or would he use standing federal acts to respond and “legally” seize firearms? If you have read Biden’s “Plan to End Gun Violence,” you already know the answer. Jen Dillon’s view most likely echoes O’Rourke’s take on confiscation too. He declared during a September 2019 primary debate: “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.” Biden and Harris already agree.

 Under the Constitution, is ownership of a firearm a “crime?” With the Harris-Biden perspective to remove firearms from citizens, yes, it probably is or will be, but so far the US. Supreme Court does not want to throw out the Second Amendment. Expect Democratic pressure to try that tactic, perhaps with “court packing.”

 The times ahead for firearms owners will be treacherous, so do your research and understand the rights you have. Know that confiscation may be “on the table.” If you do not have knowledge and facts to guide your decisions about firearms possession, you will be unable to stay safe, be prepared, and to exercise your powers and rights under the Constitution. 

JLPFI recommends the BEST way for you to prepare is to stay in the know and TRAIN HARD!

JLPFI encourages each and every client to take our drills home and hammer out a regimen of dry fire practice! You don't need ammunition to complete muscle memory programming. The requirement is that you understand the benefits of each fundamental- stance, grip, sight alignment, breathing and trigger press in order to work through the presentation and delivery with each dry fire shot. If you own a older weapon and are concerned about dry firing your firearm, you can purchase snap caps (AZOOM) that are inert cartridges that can be used to complete your dry fire practice without damaging your weapon.

Drills JLPFI recommends are exactly what we teach each and every client: Please make sure to observe ALL SAFETY RULES when dry fire training! Remember- IT IS ALWAYS LOADED! Make sure it is NOT loaded when doing these drills!


This drill requires high ready extension and a aim small/miss small target. Many of you are familiar with the dot torture target JLPFI uses at the 3 yard line. The target consists of 10 2" circle targets that are numbered 1-10. The challenges include front sight focus, trigger finger coordination as you extend the weapon to full extension and ultimately a smooth trigger press before your arms go into a fully locked forward extension. This drill demands that all fundamentals are working together and that you remain determined not to focus on the target, but the FRONT SIGHT of your weapon to deliver that ONE SHOT STOP.

Another essential drill is to simulate and complete an emergency reload of your semi-auto pistol. This requires 2 magazines. One empty and one with a snap cap. The empty magazine is inserted into the weapon. Retract the slide rearward to lock on the empty magazine follower. From this position you flow through the motions of grasping the 2nd magazine from your pocket or mag carrier which should be positioned upside down and bullets forward. You guide that magazine up to the magport of your weapon, depress the magazine release to release the empty magazine, and immediately insert the magazine with the snap cap into the magport. Your choice of how you will release the slide forward could be by using the slide stop (release), slingshotting the slide forward or overhanding to release the slide forward.

These are just 2 of many, many drills that you can access to learn your weapon and know how to stay in the fight!

In the end, if we must defend ourselves, we all hope for a one shot stop. If we experience multiple threats, wouldn't it be nice to know how to properly replenish your ammunition in a depleted, slide locked weapon?

JLPFI is just sayin: TRAIN like you plan to fight. Train on your own and Train with US!

JLPFI has some great Christmas gift  ideas for those family and friends of yours that are 2nd amendment believers!

  1. A JLPFI Gift certificate is available in any denomination to go towards any of our courses! Please contact JLPFI by email at to request your gift certificate today!
  2. A Turners Outdoorsman Gift Certificate!
    Please contact Turners Outdoorsman Fresno at (559) 435-8600 for more information.
  3. A Halfcocked Gunsmithing Gift Certificate!
    Please contact Bill or Larry at (559) 321-4347 for more information.
  4. A Sun Mountain Gun Club Gift Certificate!
    Please contact Shelly or Kim at (559) 683-3669 for more information.
  5. The Uplula universal magazine loader is a great stocking stuffer for anyone that has a semi-auto handgun. This loader works on single stack or double stack magazines and makes it extremely easy to load those magazines! Link HERE
  6. Axil Ghost Stryke noise cancelling ear buds. These are great compact ear buds that have bluetooth capability and allow you to hear the instructor or person you are training with, yet the earbuds noise cancel the gunfire! Link HERE
  7. Slip 2000 Gun cleaning kits. JLPFI hands out samples of this cleaning product to every client! Keep your weapon running with Slip 2000. Link HERE 
  8. The Gun Blue Book of Values! Are you interested in knowing what your firearm collection is worth Link HERE
  9. Stay out of jail with this book: California Gun Laws! Link HERE

 Merry Christmas from JLPFI. It has been an incredible journey with each of you this year and we thank you all for your continued support of our excellent training program! May you all be blessed in 2021 with good news, good health and ultimately the best of personal safety.




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