A big THANK YOU to all participants of JLPFI training sessions. July was a very successful month of completing initial CCW applicant and CCW renewal applicant courses. JLPFI members were introduced to shooting steel targets for the first time and what a bonus to hear those bullets impact!
Reminder #1: JLPFI now has online scheduling available from the website for your convenience. All of our course offerings are available with description of course, items needed for the course, cost and scheduling.
Reminder #2: The Fresno Sheriffs office is sending automated notices 60 days prior to your CCW expiration date for you to complete your 4 hour renewal course. JLPFI has the same automated service capability now to contact you far before your CCW is to expire so you don't forget to renew it!
Reminder #3: You need to maintain a regular training schedule. If you choose to head to the range:
Remember to dry fire first, apply all the tips and techniques you retained from your course or courses with JLPFI and have a safe training session.
Reminder #4: Sign up for another course with JLPFI! Whether its rehearsing the basic fundamentals, drawing from a holster, applying advanced maneuvers or malfunction drills, training never ends!
Please refer to the website courses
section. You will NEVER get lost in the crowd of multiple students being subjected to standardized scripts and range qualifications when you attend a JLPFI course!
Your personal final Reminder: Take pride in your responsible firearm ownership and discreet concealed everyday carry. Be mindful of your surroundings and confident in your defense capability.
From the words of Chuck Michel, president of the CRPA:
To try and silence us, there is a gun-owner shaming effort being pushed by the big government elitists in Washington. They are trying to shame you and demonize the “gun culture” for choosing to own a gun for sport or to defend your family.
This is their flawed vision of America. It’s a road to tyranny and ruin.
This is the truth that we all witness evolving.
Have a great August everyone and I hope to hear from all of you soon!
(559) 349-3833