Blog Post

2020! Loaded or Not, Here We Come!

John Lewis • December 30, 2019

A New Year for a New You! It is here for you to take charge!

JLPFI wishes to share a message of thanks and reflection to each of you to be inspired in the coming year! Our efforts to safely educate and connect with new clients and celebrate reunions with returning clients has been both an honor and a privilege. JLPFI will be celebrating its third year of business in 2020 and the road ahead is one we are all looking forward to! 2019 was incredible with a vast variety of missions completed by JLPFI. Every session of interaction had a common theme of safety, nomenclature and assigned operation, how to overcome potential issues with threats, adopting a combat mindset, programming muscle memory and confidently managing malfunctions with your weapon. No matter what the mission was, JLPFI delivered and proudly connected with many new faces who were inspired by our program. Every opportunity to train in 2019 was generated by a phone call, email or simple text that JLPFI answered and scheduled. Our client base grew from each of you that mentioned how great your experience was with us thru direct contact with a family member or friend or a great Google or Yelp review.
In addition, JLPFI would like to express our thanks to Turners Outdoorsman Fresno for
co-hosting our CCW course once a month. Please pay Turners Outdoorsman Fresno a visit for any of your firearm equipment needs. Many thanks to Halfcocked Gunsmithing of Clovis for supporting our professional training program as well. Bill Gibbons and his professional staff offer expert firearm repair and great customer service!
JLPFI would also like to express a multitude of thanks to Sun Mountain Gun Club that we proudly call our "home range", for also co-hosting our training venue. If you are not already a member of Sun Mountain Gun Club, JLPFI encourages each of you to take a short drive and check out the awesome facilities and benefits of membership at SMGC!
JLPFI assures each of you that this new year, we will stay the course of providing professional firearms instruction, engage in local speaking engagements to promote applying for Concealed Weapons Permits and ultimately provide each returning client with a new and challenging training session. JLPFI wishes to thank each and every one of you for being loyal supporters of our vision to provide personal, professional firearms instruction. May you each experience the inspiration and excitement to train with us as we cross over into 2020!
Loaded or Not, it's your choice but know the pros and cons!
Those of you that own a semi-automatic handgun, JLPFI challenges you to define your method of carry! Do you carry or store your weapon with a round in the chamber (Condition #1) or do you choose to carry or store your weapon with a loaded magazine inserted, but no round chambered? (Condition #3 aka Israeli Carry) This subject has been reviewed many times on the range with our clients and a growing number of folks are choosing not to carry a round in the chamber of their weapon. Their reasons are a series of valid concerns regarding the fear of a negligent discharge with the weapon while attempting to draw, store or holster the weapon. Other reasons include that there might not be a manual safety on the weapon, the concern of a threat grabbing the weapon and using it against them or that they have children in their presence and fear that the child will discover and grab the weapon. Storage laws in the home or while transporting your weapon are clearly defined that the weapon should be UNLOADED when not in defensive use.  Those of you with children in the home or experience visits from grandchildren or friends with children, must always be on top of your storage protocol. 
A local news station used to broadcast "Its almost ten o'clock, do you know where your children are?" JLPFI has always relayed message to responsible gun owners "Its any time of the day or night, do you know where your weapon is?" The right answer should be : IT'S ON YOU! Ready to fire! 
JLPFI would now like to produce the positives of always carrying your weapon with a loaded round in the chamber: aka Loaded Chamber Logic by JLPFI
*Rule #1 of Gun Safety is: Treat every weapon as if it is LOADED!
*If it were a revolver you were carrying, you would load every chamber of the cylinder, lock the cylinder into battery and the weapon would be ready to fire!
*The average time of a gunfight is less than 3 seconds- do you have time and rack your slide and fire the defensive round?
*What if you fumble the rack of the slide or the hollow points you chose to carry never were tested in your particular weapon and jammed in your weapon?
With a loaded chamber- you will carry safely, cautiously and confidently.
With a loaded chamber you can produce a lightning speed delivery.
With a loaded chamber you will WIN the fight!
In summary, JLPFI respects the individual decision you have made to carry in condition #1 or condition #3 of your personal defense weapon. Regardless of your method, JLPFI reminds you that you must train the way you plan on defending yourself. No matter what condition, you MUST know the condition of the weapon when that harrowing moment comes, that you can ultimately STOP the attack!

 As the new year approaches, JLPFI encourages all patriots of our country to keep up the good fight for our 2nd Amendment. There are so many tainted views of firearm ownership by powerful politicians that are proposing legislation that would eventually effect all law abiding gun owners. There is a growing trend in many states across America to wage war on gun owners in the name of gun violence. Yet none of us good people are producing gun violence, we are still buying guns and ammunition at a very strong pace! Here is a recent excerpt by Tom Gresham of Gun Talk-

2020 - The Year of the Big Gun Fight

You've stuffed the wrapping paper into huge trash bags, somewhat recovered from overeating, but most of us haven't quite yet turned our attention to the new year. We need to, though, because 2020 will be the year of the Big Gun Fight, in many ways, on many fronts, and against new and powerful new forces. 

This is your Call To Action. It's also a dire warning.

I hope you have been closely following what's going on in Virginia as more than 100 cities and counties have declared themselves to be "Second Amendment Sanctuaries," and thousands of gun owners have shown up at government meetings to demand this action. This is not organized. It's a true grassroots movement. But it's also a lesson in getting involved early because this "Arab Spring" uprising results from the loss of control the General Assembly and the governor's office to Democrats who have pre-filed bills to not only ban the sale of many guns and magazines, but to actually confiscate guns. They also include all the gun-ban lobby wish list, including "Red Flag" confiscation plans, gun rationing (one gun per month) and others. All of this could have been avoided if gun owners had rallied before the November elections and defeated the gun banners, but they didn't. Now they are fighting a defensive battle, trying to hold onto their rights, rather than pushing forward bills supporting their rights. The governor has issued a veiled threat of using the National Guard against citizens and law enforcement officers Warning to enforce new gun laws. Citizens are forming militias. 

Here lies the lesson.

We all have to get off our butts. And our buts. You know what I mean. "Yeah, those people show up to protest, BUT we have jobs." BUT we don't have Bloomberg money behind us. BUT the media is against us. BUT it's a three-hour drive to the capitol. BUT the NRA should be doing this. 

Excuses. Excuses for poor performance. 

For a brief time, some of the Democratic presidential candidates were dumb enough to public state their goals. ("Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47..."). Now that Beto, Swalwell and Harris are out, the remaining banners are trying to look "reasonable." They will try to hide their plans to take away your guns and your magazines. You would have to be the village idiot to believe any of this.

Virginians now realize this. My friends in Australia have been telling me this for decades. Get involved early, and often, and loudly, and never give an inch. They will never get back their gun rights. In the United States of America, regaining lost rights is a steep climb.

2020. This fight will spread. It's also the year President Trump faces re-election. He has now put more than 180 judges on federal benches. This is the best defense against efforts to crush your Second Amendment rights. It's imperative that he have four more years and the opportunity to nominate one or two more Supreme Court justices.

I can't make you younger or better looking, but I can promise that you'll feel more energized than you have in a long time once you fully commit to this. I'm offering a new purpose in your life. Once you make it a top priority to work on this every day you'll find a reason to get out of bed, to be excited to take on this project, and you'll find yourself in the midst of some of the finest people ever. Purpose. Everyone needs purpose in his or her life. Can you think of a better cause? Can you think of a more urgent time?

JLPFI says the message is clear that the good people of America will prevail to protect and defend our freedom! You can make a difference by keeping informed through great resources such as the NRA-ILA, The California Rifle and Pistol Association and Gun Owners of California.
Each of these organizations are fighting for us on the legislative level to maintain our 2nd amendment freedoms in California. Lets make 2020 a year to remember by reversing the tainted views of firearm ownership with pro active steps that support our beliefs that an armed law abiding society and our gun rights.....
"Shall Not Be Infringed".
Let's all do what we can to make 2020 our year!
JLPFI- All rights reserved.
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